Perluas Bisnis Perusahaan, Djakarta Lloyd Gandeng PT KTU Shipyard

PT Djakarta Lloyd Persero (Persero) dan PT Karya Teknik Utama Shipyard menandatangani nota kesepahaman kerjasama Kapal Tanker.

Penandatangan MoU dilakukan Direktur Utama Djakarta Lloyd, Suyoto dan Direksi PT Karya Teknik Utama Shipyard, Winarto Asnim di Jalan Raden Saleh Raya No. 51 Jakarta, Rabu (03/11/2021).

Dalam keterangan tertulis kepada FIVE, Suyoto mengatakan sebagai satu satunya perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang bergerak dibidang pelayaran angkutan kargo kontainer dan curah berbasis transportasi kapal laut.

Tentu PT DL bercita-cita agar semakin tangguh menjadi perusahaan pelayaran yang handal, efisien, inovatif dan berdaya tahan kuat yang dapat memajukan pertumbuhan dan perekonomian Indoesia.

Demi mewujudkan cita-cita tersebut, kata Suyoto kini PT Djakarta Lloyd (Persero) melakukan perluasan bisnis melalui kapal Tanker. 

Seperti yang diketahui bahwa, PT Djakarta Lloyd (Persero) telah melakukan Perjanjian Sewa Berdasarkan Waktu Jangka Panjang New Building (Perjanjian LTTC) dengan Pertamina International Shipping.

“Kami akan melakukan perencanaan bersama dengan PT KTU Shipyard mengenai kapal Tanker yang dibutuhkan oleh PT DL. Berdasarkan informasi yang telah kami terima, bahwa PT KTU Shipyard memiliki spesifikasi kapal tanker yang kami butuhkan dan siap untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional kami,” Ujar Suyoto.

Maksud dan tujuan penandatanganan MOU ini adalah sebagai wadah untuk memfasilitasi komunikasi dan diskusi dalam rangka penentuan dan perancangan bentuk Kerjasama, dengan tujuan mempercepat pelaksanaan Kerjasama. 
"Setelah penandatanganan MOU ini, akan dilanjutkan dengan pembahasan yang lebih mengerucut yang akan dilanjutkan dengan Perjanjian Kerja Bersama,"tandasnya.
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10 tips to help you build a successful creative career

You know it's what you want to do. All the doubters are ready to shoot your ideas down. But you're creative to the core and ready to do everything that it takes to build a career and work on the thing you love most.

In my work as a career counsellor with high school students, the career dreams that come through loudest and strongest are those of creatives. But can those dreams become reality?

Well, if you ask the parents the answer is 'No!' Those dreams are shut down faster than a two-year-old with a smart phone. Parents want their kids to be happy. And by their reckoning you can't be happy if you're an underemployed actor, artist, musician, dancer, writer or designer!

Lots of people give up on their dreams. So how do you develop a career that draws on creativity, talent, skill and passion?

Here are a few tips to get you started.

Where are you heading?
This isn't about your career destination, but your career direction. Think about where you might be heading. What do you love doing? Be open to learning and to new ideas. And once you've worked that out, get good at it! Train. Practice. Learn. Rehearse. Your raw talent and passion need shaping.

You know you're creative, but what to do – where to start? Whose work do you admire? Who inspires you? Read their blogs, follow them on social media. Get up close and learn from them. Be found at galleries, gigs, performances and festivals. And take every opportunity to talk to people who make a living from their creative talents.

Find out more from industry associations such as the Design Institute of AustraliaThis link will open in a new window. You'll find links to professional associations on most of the occupation profiles on myfuture. And check out the myfuture videos and career stories from creatives who started where you are.

What's in demand?
Look for areas in demand or growing. Identify the trends and then advance them. Put your own spin on it.

You've gotta eat!
Yes, your head is filled with ideas but you have to eat, keep a roof over your head and pay the bills. Be prepared to work more than one job. This isn't a 9–5 existence you're signing up for. Creative careers often take a while to become self-sustaining. So find something that you're happy to do to support yourself, while having enough time and mental space to invest in your art.

Internships and volunteering
This is about getting experience. It's no or low-pay in return for opportunities to learn. Make the most of your internship. Be on time, work hard, be available and be flexible – ready to try new things. This is where you're earning your reputation in the industry you've got your eyes on.

Get some business skills – you'll need them!
Chances are you'll be self-employed. Learn the basics of business management so you can actually make some money from what you do.

Hear from people who are working as creatives
'When we first started, we definitely weren't business women; we were creatives who wanted to create.'

– Brianna and Anna from sixhands

Unconventional and unafraid
'I'm a dancing instructor, former circus performer, marketeer and graphic designer. Marketing and business skills are essential. It's the only way to get by. You need to be savvy and be wired to the best way to sell your skills. Oh and it's a long term thing. Be prepared to wear many hats.'

– Jessie Zevaka

Be the one
Teen fiction author John Larkin tells of his first day in a creative writing class at university. Thirty hopeful writers gathered, ready to do all it took to succeed as a writer. This is what they were told: 'Only one of you will succeed because only one of you will not give up'. He decided that day to be that one.

Last words – be real
'Being yourself in your art is the greatest thing you can give to the world. If you like it, there are strong chances that there will be others that like it too. Authenticity often leads to really real, vulnerable, personal art, which is the best kind. There will be people who love what you do if you do it with authenticity.'

– Anna Stanford
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Common Job Interview Questions in Indonesia

Receiving a call back from your potential future employer is exciting indeed. But, now that you have one foot through the front door, the next step is where the real work begins.

After all, a job interview is the first time you will face your potential employer, and that is the perfect, if not, only, opportunity to set an excellent first impression on your potential manager. Your interview answers, too, reflect who you are and give important insights into how you can contribute to the role, fit in with the team and the company’s values as a whole. 

As such, you want to be as prepared as you can. The good news is, you already know to a good extent what your interviewer is going to ask you. Therefore, the next step is to prepare succinct, relevant responses to some of the typical interview questions an interviewer will ask you during your conversation and practise them to a friend, or to a mirror.

Here's a quick video interview tip: Plan your answers ahead of your interviews. Type out your answers for questions like tell me about yourself, strengths and weaknesses; practise the delivery of your answers, while making sure you sound as natural as possible. Throw in hand gestures, so you don't look like you are reading off a list.

Our list of common interview questions and answers

1. Tell me about yourself
After the initial pleasantries, a self-introduction is usually in order. This is the interview part when the job interviewer sets the work aside to learn a little bit more about you, the candidate. However, this is not the time to let your guard down. You are still being assessed in between the lines to see how well you fit into the company’s culture (or not). 

Instead of rambling on about your life story, it is a good idea to have a short, punchy response to this question. Not only does this set you apart from other candidates, tailoring your answer to the role you are applying for and having a personal brand in place will leave the interviewer interested and wanting to know more.

If you don’t quite know how to summarise your CV, here’s an interview tip: talk about the industry and showcase your familiarity with related jargons. You can even move on to talk about specific news related to the industry in Indonesia.

Finally, share your opinions on said news stories, which shows that you are proactive and interested in the particular field you are interviewing for.

2. Why do you want to work here?
The reason why most interviewers ask this question is that they want to know how enthusiastic and knowledgeable you are about the company and the role you applied for.

What you should do in response to this interview question is to give specific examples of things that piqued your interest in the company and/or the job description in the first place. Next, elaborate on your strengths, achievements and skills, then link them back to the job you are applying for.

If the company has an expansive presence online, one easy way to learn more is to go through past news releases to find out the various projects and initiatives that the company is involved with. These nuggets of information are ammunition that you can use to ace this question.

3. What are your strengths?
What the interviewer is asking is what tasks you are particularly good at and how you, as a new hire, will fit into the role. What you can do is to pick a few key strengths that are relevant to the role, then give past examples to support those examples.

These strengths could include everything from leadership and teamwork to your ability to work on tight deadlines or multitasking. Go easy with your answer, though, because going off on a question like that risks coming across as too boastful — not a quality that interviewers necessarily gravitate to. 

When talking about your strengths, one easy way to avoid coming across as being too boastful is to give a past example of how you were faced with a difficult situation and the skills you engaged in handling the problem. Stick to the facts, and you will naturally display your strengths without being overly confident about them.

4. What are your weaknesses?
And with strengths come weaknesses. What the interviewer wants to know with this question is just how self-aware you are at the workplace. Instead of using the word ‘weakness’, try using ‘areas for improvement’ instead.

For example, if there is a particular skills set that you lack, you can mention it and outline the steps you are taking to overcome the said shortcoming. The idea here is, to be honest about where you fall short and show that you are proactively trying to fill those skill gaps. Lastly, never say that you don’t have any weaknesses. It comes across as arrogant and that you have a lack of self-awareness.

5. What have been your achievements?
You know this question is bound to come up, so keep two or three key achievements in your back pocket, complete with several facts and figures to back them up.

On top of that, give a summary of the situation or problem, the actions you took under those circumstances, and the skills you utilised to achieve the positive outcome. Another tip is to have a shortlist of these accomplishments at hand at all times, so you can rotate them based on who you are talking to or the job you are applying for.

6. What did you like or dislike about your last job?
Asking you this question is the interviewer’s attempt to determine your key interests and whether the job on offer has tasks or responsibilities that you will like or dislike. For the positive aspects of your last position, things are pretty straightforward.

Focus on the parts that you enjoyed the most, explain what you learned from them, and then talk about how they made you develop as an individual.

On the flip side, you left your last job for a reason — sometimes a variety of reasons — but the key is not to take this opportunity to air your grievances. Instead, be mindful of criticising your employer. Unless your former boss was truly a toxic individual, complaining about him or her can come across sometimes as you pushing the blame on others.

Choose examples that do not reflect on your skills, such as the size of the company or the team you were working with, or which reveals a positive trait (such as your distaste for the lengthy decision-making process and bureaucratic tapes). The trick is to turn even the negatives, such as a toxic boss, into a positive.

7. What are your future goals?
Variations of this question could include “Where do you see yourself in the next five years?” or “How do you see yourself developing in this company?” No matter the delivery of the question, the purpose is the same: to probe your ambition and the extent of your career planning.

In response, describe how your goal is to continue to grow, learn, add value and take on new responsibilities in the future that build on the role for which you are applying. Avoid replies like “I see myself being part of the company” because that’s the whole reason why you have a job interview in the first place.

Of course, that is not to say that interviewers will only ask you a standard set of questions. There is a whole host of unusual interview questions or behavioural questions that they can ask. However, once you have your bases covered in common interview questions, your foundation is set for more challenging, more complex interview challenges ahead.

8. What do you think we should do differently?
A variation of this common interview question could be “What would you first, 30, 60 or 90 days look like in this role”? Essentially, what the interviewer wants to find out with these interview questions are your priorities when you begin your work with the company.

This is also a common interview question for start-ups, as hiring managers typically want to know that you not only have some knowledge of how the company operates but that you’re able to think critically and bring fresh new ideas to the table.

For example, it could improve the company’s social media presence, a technology-first approach to customer service, or even a policy you want to implement within your team. But, again, the point is to share your opinions and show interest. 

9. Do you have any questions for me?
Being asked if you have any questions for the interviewer does not mean that the interview is over. But, unfortunately, this seemingly harmless rhetorical question is one of the most common interview questions out there — and saying ‘No’ is one of the worst answers you can give. 

Think about it this way: a job interview is like a two-way street. Instead of the interviewer asking your typical interview questions, this is your opportunity to know more about the company, the role you are applying for, and how you fit into the grander scheme of things. After all, asking the right questions is what separates exceptional job seekers from the average.

10. How do you think the interview went?
Not every question from the interviewer is supposed to be an interview question. However, since it is better to be safe than sorry, it is better to assume that the interview doesn’t end until you are out of the office.

After a job interview
If the interview didn’t go as well as planned, be honest about it and let the interviewer know. For example, maybe he asked for a specific case study or example that you couldn’t quite remember the details of a past project with a client that isn’t part of your standard portfolio.

Just remember: a less-than-perfect interview is not the end of your assessment. So take this final opportunity to show your sincerity, and fill in the blanks as much as possible with follow-ups.
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